For Severe's print campaign we decided to go overboard with propping, hair and makeup. Soup bowls that have been sitting there for days, used tissues and of course, a very sick, suffering adult in need of some TLC. These visuals were also used for

Vicks Severe (broadcast, print & social)

The severe cold. There's no cold like the severe cold. It's not a piddly cold. Or even a bad cold. It’s the kind of cold that keeps you in bed for days. Makes you question when your last shower was and has you eating soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Good thing there's DayQuil & NyQuil Severe, for they are the only things that can take on the severe cold.

For Severe's print campaign we decided to go overboard with propping, hair and makeup. Soup bowls that have been sitting there for days, used tissues and of course, a very sick, suffering adult in need of some TLC. These visuals were also used for in-store displays.

  For the digital arm of this campaign, we focused on portraits of the seriously sick and ditched the heavily propped background.

For the digital arm of this campaign, we focused on portraits of the seriously sick and ditched the heavily propped background.
